The prayer requests and projects that are in my heart to fulfill, requires
some answers for the future. Looking back at all the food shipments
that have been made through the course of our lives, have taken personal great
sacrifices on my family's part to do. Spending years of my life in African
nations have imprinted me deeply with the basic needs of humanity that can
never be forgotten, nor will the nations be ignored while living the 'American
Dream' in the USA. South American
nations still prove to me that people even in this hemisphere are starving, living
in absolute squalor and misery. I am compelled to do something to help.
It's not looking at the massive problems that require impossibilities to do,
but rather seeing small villages, and pueblos and kraals that together with
partners, we can truly help in.
The current issues that are projects in my heart are listed here as a
reminder to all who visit my site - YOU can join in and together we can add
value to thousands of lives. Have you ever said in your mind, " I
wish I could do something about this need....... " Here is your
Moms Against Hunger Food Shipment to Zimbabwe -
One container is shipped, and it's on the water now. Distribution funds are
needed once it gets there. Trucks take fuel to carry the food to faraway
kraals – so drivers, and helpers and security must be paid so that it truly
reaches the people. Also travel funds to go and make sure all supplies gets to the people.
Ghana Moms Against Hunger is in ongoing
distribution right now….. I pray all food gets to the hurting there and all
government agencies work together to see this happen.
Kenya is now asking for Moms Against Hunger food
shipments to feed her people.
Romania - Eastern Europe also has requested Moms
Against Hunger food shipments. The past shipments we have sent to various
orphanages in this country made an impact and they have never forgotten us, and
now are reaching out to us for aid again.
The Appalachian Mission needs our help as well….
right here in America.
Role Models of America - thrift store. This
store offers food, clothing, shoes, school supplies, and furniture to needy
families. This project helps to take care of American families. There is
a billboard here, but it's blank at the moment. All available funds go to
underwrite the purpose of the store itself. A sign is needed here.
Ministry Projects that would bring funds
constantly to help. The completion of these communication tools would help to raise
ministry funds. For instance, one project/CD is recorded about my African childhood in
a African Liberian village. Funds
are needed to complete this for future sales to help. Personally I have 100+
songs that are written and arranged –just needs to be professionally recorded -
this would provide funds endlessly through our online sites. Plus the materials
written for The ABC’s of Thrift Stores, Kids Kingdom children’s ministry curriculum,
the Manuel for Worship Leader, The Love Scrapbook….. etc. The list goes on and
on after 34+ years of ministry now.
Community Bible College - which is a correspondence
Bible school for prisoners in America. There have been over 5,000 men and women
come through this school, and currently there are inmates from 34 states
enrolled. This form of education, is the format by which criminals truly
turn their lives around and become law abiding citizens. As the President
of this school, I believe this helps to change the crime rates of
America, and provide support to inmates who truly enlist for personal
change. With help we can continue to
budget for the staff, materials, postage and ever increasing enrollment. Role Models International fully supports this
cause and underwrites the complete costs of this school. It's a heavy
burden that others can join with me in ministry to help with this ongoing
Time …. Provision …..Partners …and Uncommon Favor - with these 4 things – my prayer
requests are made known.