I just have to share this fabulous book with you! If there is just ONE book I could inspire you to get for the health of your family, this is it. It's called, 'Eat This Not That'. A Supermarket Survival Guide.
The reason 'regular' food keeps packing on the pounds is all the hidden fats, sugars and chemicals that manufacturing companies are sneaking in processed foods. This guide shows you which foods are the safest ones for actual human consumption.
With all the advertizing hype it's hard to know whats really the truth. Here's your answer!
Did you know that high fructose corn syrup added to foods, actually will 'help' you to gain weight? Here's a list of juices and the truth about each one.
You know you need these two pages! An ice cream guide to help you choose wisely. I bought the right one - a true ice cream and wow it is good. No more chemicals!
Now this page is important. Ever wonder what all that 'stuff' that can't be pronounced in the ingredients list is? Here it is...... Along with the safety or dangers each one is.
This book helped me to find the first lunch meat product made without sodium nitrate (a known carcinogenic that I can't believe is legal to put in food) I found it at my local grocery store and we had lunch meat for the first time in years!
Get this book - your health is worth it!