Expansion requires limitation. When the final page of life is written, and the redeemed soul ascends to glory, the loved one left in life must find a way to carry on. At first the loss is debilitating and the unspeakable grief as a wild unending storm. But as the slow progression of days fold one into another, a new form of living emerges.
One of aloneness and defined purpose. This keen awareness does not come to those who have not been through loss. For it is the extrapolation, that causes the depths of love to bring to the surface a new understanding, that to increase also means to decrease. For the growth that has happened became so, because of the loss of the loved one.
Seeing this is so… it brings the focal point of the mind to a new depth of purpose because of the loss. When life is emptied of balanced fullness it becomes a new vessel that the capacity has increased and accepts the highs and lows of life in a larger containment for future use. The loss itself, has brought a different usefulness and increased the understanding of God’s total care. And His unfolding Plan brings both tears and joy together.
One cannot expand without becoming limited in some way. It is the way of advancement… the wise see this and the enlargement of the future increases yet again.
For every step forward of hope, is found because of the incapacity to retain and keep all in life. One simply cannot increase, without losing something. The hands can only hold so much. So in God’s great love for His own, He gently removes… so He can add. Being found simply as the clay allowing Him to add and subtract as He wills, brings peace. ‘The Lord gives and He takes away’ is a profound truth for those who are found in His Plan.
But the increase that is found because of the missing, finds in the end, that the ‘missing’ wasn’t lost, but finally added back to the entirety again. After grief has ended and all things have been made new…when God has brought us all Home to Himself.
So loss isn’t lost, only now held closely and saved in Heaven for the future. So gather now… turn from the pain of loss… fuel your faith anew in focus… find the purpose for the present… leave the loved one safely on God’s Arms and seek for the pathway of usefulness for the next season of life. Your life counts.
The expansion of life awaits for those who accept the limitation and move towards God’s Plan personally. All is not lost, but rather the broken parts of your heart have been found now… safely at Home.
So move towards the unknown with this experience, and know that empty arms are meant to gather and the different pieces left of your heart can accept new depths of love and anointing. Precious tears are the price of true growth. Expansion requires limitation.