Being the King’s Daughter does not mean the Christian woman has not had trouble in life. But it does mean when she is weakened by life’s difficulties, then she is strong. Why? Because the King’s strength has become hers! And His strength makes her brave!! Have you had such a loss in your own life? A loved one that you did not expect to leave your side?
I have lost my father in law, EL Holley, mother in law, Verba Joy Holley, my own mother, Joyce Latta, my dad, Sam Latta, a nephew, Tyler Latta, my husband, Gregory Holley and also my mentor in ministry, Dr Lonnie Rex. I know how grief feels..... and not only the deaths of those I love, but also I have suffered the deaths of ministries, dreams and plans that were taken from me, crushing my heart. Oh yes.... I do know. Along the way I have uncovered ways and healing comforts that make a difference.
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