I have been right where you are.... This is common for pastors wives to hold up the arms of the ministry. I learned a few things along the way that can help to keep from overwhelmed with all you are having to do at church.
1. Become a self feeder outside of church services. We are pouring out during services so learn to work on one’s own relationship with God. There are great worship /teaching services that are even better when being alone with God. Use other ministry tools online to help. Plus it will make us all stronger Christians in the end
2. Start training young women to help with the many responsibilities. They can learn to be in leadership and there are young women to help out.
3. Actually you are a great help to your husband and the work of the Lord. Be encouraged that what is being done through your hands matters!
4. God will reward you in many ways for being a servant. Having a servants heart reaps many rewards as He said 'a servant is the greatest in the Kingdom'. So serve with joy and a undivided heart.
5. Don't believe the enemy. He is the one trying to discourage us by putting our eyes on the sheep. They are not perfect.... don’t start thinking that it’s your job to perfect them. That’s God’s job.... ours is just to love them closer to Christ.
Be strong and take care of yourself... You matter! Organize some 'me' time so your 'emotional well' doesn't get drained.
I used to think I couldn't 'do it all' and many times could have learned to work smarter not harder. But I had to learn the hard way. You are not alone we all are in this together! The ministry is a privilege as we represent JESUS to the lost, the blind, the religious and the hurting. Your work is helping another woman be fed spiritually... It's important. I honor you and will be praying for you dear Pastor's Wife. You are a first responder to many hurting people around you day by day. You MATTER!