Being asked ‘how are you doing?’ makes me speechless. It can be said that the waves of grief hit when unexpected. And it takes concentration to hold on to what is solid..... Christ the SOLID Rock.... when the waves of sorrow hit. God is found within the crashing waves of pain and sorrow.
This truth remains true when loss comes through the pilgrimage from earth to heaven. I have such a loss now and the turning of the chapter from wife to widow often leaves me wordless and swimming thru the waves.
I have found a definition of loss can be described like this. There are 45 years of marriage and ministry that cannot be soothed in the kindness of my many friends and family. It remains as half of my heart is gone, morning... noon... night.
Yet Christ remains and offers me a life raft each time a wave knocks me off my feet. Sometimes this adjustment is calm acceptance and sometimes it’s wild with stormy pain.
A simple statement can trigger the emotions of raging waves so I walk carefully. Sometimes it cannot be avoided like seeing his sunglasses on the sun visor in the car I drive.
All is lost yet all is found day by day. Only G&G remain in the sunset while the other G is in sunrise. I remain happy for him.
All is here yet all is gone day by day.
That is how I am doing.... all is ok until a wave comes. So my focus remains on Who I know.