Every Leader has the story of their life, and how God brought them into their personal mission for life. Through many ups and downs, each one would certainly describe their own lives as anything but boring! Here is mine.......
I was raised by missionary parents and life was a constant roller coaster of excitement, dangers, scary times and lonely places in Africa. How we survived living deep in the bush of Liberia West Africa is miraculous to say the least!
This is my story - and how we learned 21 very important Leadership Principals that have carried me through my entire life. God has been my coach all the way, and it's by His Grace that my family survived many different challenges.
There are personal pictures in this book to help show the different situations and places that I have lived. My family is unique and our calling has been specialized in helping the needy of the world. Moms Against Hunger is the fulfillment of my childhood journeys from the rugged bush and suffering, to the present!
From african raw bush living and wild animals, to plane crashes and serious trouble, this book WILL keep your attention and inspire you to become all that God has designed for you too! Interested? It's on Amazon for sale....