How to STAY focused in a distracted world? Learn to use the discipline of writing day by day, and here is how to do just that in 3 easy steps!
1. It's fun to find the perfect Journal to fill .... this year mine is a very soft and supply leather, it's beautiful and the right size to curl up with on the couch and write in.
2. Find your focus for the year, or the season you are in right now. This year my theme (for those of you following me know this already) is called 'The Year of Peace'. And I am writing on the different aspects of peace in my life. It helps to keep me centered on what the Lord has asked me to focus upon for the year. In the midst of turmoil, stress and troubled times it is my own devotional being written day by day, filled with the thoughts and impressions, scriptures, drawings and whispered words between God and me.
3. Pick a time when all is quiet around you... no sound, no music, no phones.... nothing but your Bible, your journal and a pen. Pray first, then simply listen quietly for the still thought that will lead you further as soon as you write it down. Start writing and just write one page... add a verse of scripture that can assure you of God's promise for you that very day.
That's it!!! Become steady in the midst of turmoil by your own relationship with God recorded personally and privately. Truly it helps through out the day to remember what was just written that morning! The month of April for me has been called The Flexibility of Peace and oh my ....what a blessing I have found morning by morning studying this!
So if you need some stability and steadfastness in your world... focus your soul upon your own personal walk with God and journal your Journey! Here's a secret from me to you........At the end of this year I will have written a book called....
Simple Peace
A Women's Guide to Peace
Just by using my own life and experiences and the daily walk with the Lord how He has led me through so many many dangers, toils, snares. Because of walking hand in hand with Him, together He has given me Simple Peace.