It's been a very intense week working in Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky with the tornado victims. It has made me rethink having an emergency plan in place at all times. Seeing what happens to families that have made no arrangements for dangerous events in life has impressed me to say something on my blog about it.
If a tornado heads your way.... don't say..."well it will never hit here."
Instead- what's your plan? Where would you go quickly? Have emergency funds? Emergency food sources? Important papers kept safely?
While one can't completely control what happens in life, making a plan for those 'just in case' times is wise.
Be nice to your relatives... you never know if you might need to live with them for while :)
Be nice to your neighbors.... you might need to run to their house if something is wrong :)
And MOST OF ALL get saved. One never knows when their hourglass is up and time is over for good. This is your wisest preparation of all.
Think about it... it's a reality check of another kind.