The Power of Sacrifice
When a man of God is given a mission to accomplish it will involve sacrifice. It has a personal cost that has to be paid by the minister and his wife. At the start it's okay... the vision is bright and clear, but about half way through the journey it can get so tough! I encourage you today in the race for souls keep going ...don't stop.
Sacrifice is the monetary value that is paid for a big vision. The bigger the vision, the bigger the cost. It costs to provide a place of worship for others and it costs to provide ministry to the hurting. When the salvation of souls is involved, rest assured that the price to do so will be paid by the ministry. So think it not strange when your family has to deeply trust God for daily bread and for personal provision because the vision comes first. It is what happens... to all those who stand in the gap and make up the hedge for those in darkness.
Is it worth it? All the going without... all the personal things that have to be given up.... the days and years of life? Resoundingly yes in the light of eternal principals and preparations. I encourage you PAY THE PRICE. It's the right thing to do.... look at our Saviour... He did it for us! Should we not in turn walk in His footsteps and also lay down our lives for others? It's the hard question to answer, but when the sacrifice is paid and the work is in action.....when the labor is done and the walk of faith complete you will gladly hear the Savior say, "Well done my GOOD AND FAITHFUL servant."
These words will be worth every long mile and every hard trial. Taking the word Sacrifice and putting my own definitive descriptions with each letter helps to explain this tough word for pastor's wives.Trust me.... I know all about this word and it's meaning.
S - Suffering for the good of others
A - All you have to give is given
C - Courage to cover the needs of others first before your own
R - Righteous cause that is worthy
I - Interests are purified and independent of societies material influence
F - Fears are turned into Faith and a deeper trust in God
I - Internal truths are the stronger reality than temporary luxuries
C - Chosen conscious values instead of the opinions of others
E - External fruit reflects internal vision
Stay faithful my friend..... pay the price...
"Be strong and carry on.... because of your sacrifice people will say, "I'm here in Heaven!" The Power of Sacrifice is that when it's paid and the vision is complete... the results are enormous!!! It's worth it.