Let's see...... what would you like to get today?
Oh I know people often use surface words when "wishes' are spoken into the air. "Ooooooo I want to be rich, smart, have lots of money, lots of friends, and be famous too!"
Really think about it...if you say 'I want to be wealthy' the detirmining factors that constitutes wealth - (if you mean money) consists of hard hard hard work, long long long hours, sacrificing hours and hours of your personal life, your family and ones own lifetime of existence, AND investing for years before payback starts happening. Just generally sticking to the grind of everyday work. Naively spoken the usual person is not really willing to risk everything to gain their wishes. It often means going without personally for the bigger picture in the future.
If the meaning of wealthy means 'no more work for me!' These are two opposites that can't happen. Only those who enjoy working will actually gain the fruit of it.
The Bible says 'Faith without works is dead.'
So simply saying 'I want such and such in my life' can't really happen unless your words match your work.
So say what you mean, and do what you say...
'Help.... I need help....' I have heard these words from needy people, who when offered solutions for their particular situation, suddenly change course and go the other way. Excuses and unwillingness to grow will never take one to the placement of fulfilled dreams. And so they stumble along life thinking no one wants to help, when really the only one who won't help is 'self'.
Saying and doing are two separate things. Could this be the reason life bumbles along in circles?
Saying 'I want good health' and yet refusing to be personally responsible for what we do with our personal lifestyle, vitamins, self control, and making healthy choices is diametrically opposed to having good health. If junk food is your favorite 'food group' expect the same results in your body..... no energy, no vitality and certainly poor health down the road. Because there simply are no vitamins or minerals in junk food.Fried food is just that - FRIED. Everything good is gone.
If you want a great marriage, it takes hard work, patience, long suffering, kindness and refusal to quit. A good marriage will never happen with any one you marry, the rules are the same no matter if you exchange one spouse for another.It never changes .... you can't get a great marriage without appreciation, personal work and time.
"I want good friends in my life". If you don't use wisdom, acceptance, manners and the work of loving kindness - you will always end up with broken relationships.
Need I go on?
So today..... say what you want to happen, and then do the steps it takes to get there.
The power of life and death are in the tongue.... God's word always gives us secrets revealed.