God has plans for this week... for you and for me....
Do you know what they are? Some you may know and some will be surprises in your life. But in any case... all will be beneficial to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.
So this week.... I will plan according to the will of God all my details.
- Get dates decided for my Africa Moms Against Hunger trip
- Settle all Calendars and sync dates for family holiday plans
- Plan November details for RMA store
- Write November Cafe plans
- Work out paperwork for staff/work orders to be done
- Complete CBC letters (38 to go)
- Get the Mission House prepared for next guests to arrive
- Be my husband's girlfriend
- Be a good mother and grandmother in special way
Now I will start from the bottom up and and work my way up the ladder :)
This is going to be a excellent week. Every Senior Pastor's wife has some such list going on her monday morning....
Have you made your list yet?