There is no greater gift a parent can give their child, than to raise them in the House of the Lord. Recently a father and son worked together in ministry at New Life. A Dad raising his son in the Presence of God, can give his child no greater preparations for life and the many travels thru it safely.
Many adults have an rebellious heart about how they as a child were raised 'in church'. But the truth of the matter, somehow they neglect to think through what it really meant to be raised by christian parents.
Think about this conversation:
'My parents MADE me go to church. I was raised without alcohol, and all the terrible reactions that go along with drinking issues. I didn't deal with drugged parents who were not there mentally to raise me right. My parents were not in jail, they were beside me in church. I didn't have to raise myself. My parents cared about how I was raised and they wanted to protect me from the harmful influences in the world. They saw to it that I learned values, and character and the balance between material things and eternal things. Yes they MADE sure I gave God a chance to direct my life'.
Now what on earth is so wrong about that?
Parents...... think this through, you are the parent. Do you really want your children to be raised without careful thoughts about their eternity? To only go with the flow of public opinions which you know are full of regrets later in life. To allow the world and it's sins to mark your children for life?
Sometimes parents think, 'but I raised my kids in church and look at them now'. Seriously think this through. Did you really truly deeply get involved in your church and it's ministries. Did you involved your children in the work of the Lord. Or did you simply attend as a spectator - only watching from the pew. Our priorities as parents often are rushed, 'I have no time'. When really the reality was 'I didn't take the time' Or was it - we acted one way at church and another at home. Our children can only become what is put in front of them.
Life will always hand you an excuse to not go to church. And the devil will certainly help you decide other things to do on Sunday besides church.
I am so glad my parents MADE me go to church. I am so glad we raised our daughter with the same values. And now my grandchildren are being shaped at church.
Whose image do you really want to be MADE in after all?
So today, let this pastor's wife tell you, 'Set up, get up, stand up, dress up, drive up, walk up, and pray up a storm, and prepare your hearts in God's House. One day I plan to GO UP! Do you'?