I saw a vision of 3 staircases while in worship...... and with each picture came the complete interpretation to my heart. These are the ways man has tried to reach our Creator.... God.
The first one was a staircase made of leather. Deep colored, heavy worn leather steps.
This leather staircase - represented the leather backs of animals and how sacrificial offerings were made for sin before Calvary and the Blood of Jesus. The blood of bulls and goats could not forgive sin, but it was the only way for man to reach God - while still in bondage to sin. The Old Testament Covenant was of the offerings for sin and the rolling ahead of transgressions under the Law.
Then I saw ancient stone stairs that had been trod for generations by thousands of feet. This is the stairs man has used to try to reach God through the generations of time since Calvary - by using religion. Man has used his formulas, his belief systems, and his superstitions to try to appease God. Man built churches based on his understanding of God, without much personal relationship, all by rites and held under the control of various church leaders and the political forces.
Then I saw a very beautiful glass staircase, made of crystal! This was the staircase of the Spirit of God. The wonderful flow of the Holy Spirit that comes down to us as a clear staircase, leading straight to God. This is the way of the New Testament! Jesus paid the price for our sins .... clearing the way for us to reach up to God. And has poured out His Spirit from on high and now each of us can come to Him drawn up to Him by the Holy Spirit. This invisible yet powerful anointing that comes to all who ask God for His Spirit will find the Father in such a wonderful personal relationship.
I encourage you to step away from the various forms of religion, types of doctrines, traditions of man, and opinions of a world view which lead nowhere. And certainly not to the Presence of God. Put your foot on the first step of reaching up to God, the staircase of the Spirit of God. Ask Him to show you about the Holy Spirit, to teach you about His special anointing already poured out for you.
This has been the search for God. The way to Him is now complete. You can be free of sin, guilt, bondage and the sorrows of shame. You can be lifted up in His Presence and experience freedom - inner freedom, peace and joy! Sins can be washed away in the Blood of Christ and you can be filled with God's Presence every day.
I have found Him in whom I have believed........ in the power of the Holy Ghost.