We have been soooo busy here in Los Banos California with Pastors Doug and Susan getting ready to get their building project going. It's been from early morning to late everyday with city issues, paperwork and miles of travel to and fro gathering information, equipment and a team to get it all going.
The Pastors certainly have their hands full with a growing bi-lingual congregation and a complete rebuilding of their burned church. New visitors, and class growth, church family counseling issues and trying to juggle enough classroom space, office spaces and keeping up with moving the entire church to a rental place has been an adjustment they faithfully do week by week with a smile on.
Now..... when a church is built from the ground up it's one set of problems to deal with. But when a church has to be rebuilt it's quite enough story! There are a host of issues starting with the insurance process, paperwork paperwork and paperwork! Insurance Adjusters and various fee assessors, contents loss management and replacement costs, and complete inventories of all departments of the church. Just to name a few to get started. All that has been done with the careful attention of the Bishop, special thanks to Bill M. and now it's off to the big stuff!
Like creating drawings that fit their vision and building. Like adequate money from the insurance company! Each one has been a trial to get completed to say the least, I will spare you the details.
The Bishop guides them toward the entire picture of drawings, electrical plans, plumbing, wall replacements, office restructuring, classrooms, bathrooms, platform, side rooms and a dozen other details that have been taking shape all week long.
A big thank you to Role Models of America and Role Model Deborah Ruppert for her expertise in helping to get the fine lines drawn and the final decisions made! Everyone is happy with the completed plans now.
Deborah you outdid yourself! We are so thankful for the team God has given to us to help other churches in their time of need. Our ministry is far reaching because of the team!
Now..... Bishop starts the next process of getting them their General Contractor license, and the troops of different sub-contractors start lining up to get schedules started.
Then it's demolition time! Schedule teams to take off the air conditioners from the roof, then take the roof off, then getting replacement tresses built, brought and hung! Lists.... and decisions and choices are made and settled peace comes to the Pastors as they get ready for the next week of action!
Now you understand what's been going on? The Bishop is in the House and things are starting to move now! He is a Pastor's best ally in time of need. And this Pastor's wife gets a front row seat in this whole drama unfolding.