As a Bishop's wife the many details and travels of our ministry are noted here through my eyes. I see things from a third party perspective as ministry is happening among the churches we are a part of. Last night was one of those special times to share. The Bishop was needed to set a new church in order in Mexia Texas. Souls Harbor Christian Fellowship is a new church planting! Pastors Don and Beverly Hoxworth started this new work some 6 months ago, and it was time to put their legal books and papers into place.
So their church books have been put together with the Bishop's guidance behind the scenes in his offices. For a church planting to be complete, the need for a formal meeting of the church family is so helpful. The information that is provided and presented to the church family is both informative and encouraging to a new pastor and his flock.
- Setting the course for a new church involves many issues. And how meaningful it is to a new congregation and pastor to have the Bishop come in, and set things in order for them. To have his expertise and wisdom, speak about the foundations of their church getting settled - this is invaluable in ministry. Here are the 'how to's' of starting a new church, and setting into proper order the legal matters.
- 1. The initial letter to perspective members to attend The Formal Presentation
- 2. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws by which the church will operate
- 3. The State of Texas Formation Certificates
- 4. Officers of the Corporation
- 5. The Affiliation with the The Fellowship
- 6. Presentation of Group IRS Exemption Number
- 7. List of Assets,
- 8. List of Loaned Equipment and Furnishings
- 9. Bank Information and Accounts,
- 10. Church Insurance Policy
- 11. Founding Members Role
Then the Pastors are brought forward and the Bishop lays his hands on them and anoints them for the work of the ministry of Souls Harbor Christian Fellowship. This is such an affirming event for new pastors. The prophetic words that are spoken over them, and their new work are life sustaining and encouraging!
Finding ministers with a sincere heart to do the work of the Lord, and are willing to sacrifice everything to be a Founding Pastor of a new church is a priceless gift to a community. The average church goer has no idea of the mental, physical, emotionally and financial price that a minister and his family pays to start a new church.
The Associate Pastors are brought in to also help carry the load. And Pastor Dubois and his wife will serve this congregation in the work of the Lord. There are many details to be covered. Who will lead the music for praise and worship? Who will serve as the Secretary to count the money and pay the bills weekly. Who will be the Sunday school teachers for the children. Who will serve as the Nursery teacher, taking care of babies and toddlers. Who is going to clean the Church? What about Teen leadership? And how about the oversight of taking care of the poor? The widows and the orphans? And don't forget the leadership classes for training up leaders in the church body. Not to mention the ministry of the Word to be preached at each service. And what about the sound systems - who is going to operate that? And who is in charge of the ladies ministry? And the men's ministry?
This church body of 40+ people are ready to go to work and become a vibrant church body and influence Mexia for Jesus!
After-wards the church family served refreshments for everyone who attended this monumental meeting. They have a great building (but it's going to be too small very quickly) The building was almost uncomfortably full already. Hmmmmm more ideas Bishop? They may need another creative solution before long here.
And at the end of the evening we spent some private moments together in the Coach. We are excited for them and God's blessing upon their ministry. God bless the Hoxworths and Souls Harbor Christian Fellowship!