I have chosen all organic seeds to plant, just to have truly normal real veggies and herbs! No GMO's for me! I am not interested in genetically modified plants - no thank you.
I have picked tomato's, cucumbers, jalapenos, zucchinis, beans, bell peppers and pimentos, and okra. And for herbs I planted rosemary, oregano, basil, cilantro, and parsley. These seed packets were too much for my little garden so they will have to wait on something else to plant in.
I like my little container garden. It's tiny for sure, but it will produce enough for us and probably our children too.
And urban garden has to fit within the confines of a small yard. And in today's world every suburban home could plant themselves a little fresh container garden - but then that would mean we would have to turn off the TV or the DVD or the VHS machines and spend some time in the evenings outside in our yards.
But the rewards would outlast the 3-4 hours spent sprawled on the couch each evening eating junk food and feeding our minds junk too! I can't wait till my babies start coming up! It's certainly a cheap form of therapy, and the best kind of hobby to be involved in.
Just so I can remember what is what when things get moving - I have a gardener's book started. In it is the 'map' of where I planted each type of plant. And the seed packet covers so I can see exactly what I am to do with these babies when they grow.
When the tiny sprouts start peeking out, it never fails to bring a smile to a gardener's face. No matter how big, or how small the garden may be. The results always bring pleasure.