Now we Americans have some comfort foods that when things don't suit us, we feed ourselves things that we 'think' make us feel better. Cookies are one of those things. Our minds and mouths are conditioned to think and taste sweet cookies as the satisfying way to soothe us. Do they taste good? of course they do. But let me help you go beyond the instant gratification of cookies, to the reality of what 'blessing' that cookie is giving to you. Cookies are dead foods. What does that mean? Basically this; they have zero nutrition. Nothing in them is going to nourish your body. Your mouth says, mmmmm so good. But your heart says, 'oh no more fat to clog my arteries'! Your stomach says, 'man there sure is nothing here for us to send to all of our body parts to give strength'. Your bloodstream says, 'what tha.........? Who is sending all this sugar in here! We can't possibly keep things level with this garbage'! Your liver groans, 'not again! more fat, more sugar, more white flour, more preservatives for me to sort out'.
How is it that our brains and mouths are so disconnected to the rest of our bodies? It's a little like top management in a company that has no understanding of the actual workers who are running the plant. After a while, something will happen and a revolt will start!
It will take a while, but all that stuff in those cookies is piling up somewhere in a back corner. Thrown in disgust to the sidewalls of the intestines, slowly making it's own form of concrete.
What's a person to do? Retrain the brain! Introduce your appetite to the rest of the workers, make them integrate and become knowledgeable of each other. The top management of your 'plant' must become aware of your workers if you want to keep them all intact and happy lifelong.
Now here is a food that may not be thought of as a comfort food, but it could be. What's the difference between a plate of cookies and a plate of grapes? Loads and loads! Grapes are live foods. They are living. and when your troops get some of these inside? It's a party! Every part of your body is happy that you ate these! This live food brings energy, nutrition, water, minerals and trace elements with every bite. And the taste of a sweet grape - cannot be compared to the sugary flat taste of a cookie. If you do a taste test for yourself you will see what I mean.
Here's another idea. Just go to the web and type in nutrition of red grapes and see for yourself all of the wonderful things that they have in them. Here is a list of the top cancer fighting foods that you need to be eating for REAL COMFORT foods. How about comfort for your heart? Comfort for your brain? comfort for your liver? Ever thought of comforting them? After all they are what's keeping you alive.
Anti-cancer fruits:
- apricots
- blueberries
- grapefruit
- grapes
- lemons
- mangoes
- oranges
- papayas
- peaches
- persimmons
- strawberries, organic
- tangerines
All of these are living foods. So stop the cookie kick - and eat something live. Your entire body will thank you and truly be comforted.