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October 20, 2007


Michelle Kiani

That was powerful and a attitude of the LORD! GOD knows everything and it is in his WILL for our lifes! I just had a mamogram done month ago and then they called me and set up an appointment for another mamogram and showed me some calcium deposits. The Dr. was sure it was just calcium deposits. I said to her lets go a head and do a biopsy. The report came back in two days as positve cancer cells. I set up another appt. for a MRI the next day. The Dr. and stafff were wonderful and also a Christian. :) The report came back on Monday Oct 30th that the MRI on left breast looks good now but, they want to do a ultra sound on the right breast. Let me back up a moment on my second visit they did a ultra sound and could not see anything on it but, the second mamogram did. When I got the news from the Dr. I did not cry or get upset. I had prayed to God before all of this and said to him, God if this is in your will, I will understand that you may have me going through this to bring me closer in my relationship with you and for my family to be closer. I also said to the Lord that if I have to go through this maybe,it is even to minister to other women. I have a postive attitude and will let the Lord guide me through this all the way.

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