Today is Sunday and there is no better way to start one's week then to be in the Lord's House on the Lord's day. I love singing and leading worship and it is never a chore to me but something I dearly love doing. My focus is on Him and leading others in song to His Heart. Today was no different and leading the song I wrote called 'My Lord and My God' still gives me chill bumps when we sing it!
But the smoothness of a service doesn't start with the opening song or prayer. It begins long before any of the people arrive for church. The musicians arrive and warm up and we spend 20 minutes in rehearsals before every service to make sure we are together and have went over all opening notes and endings. It takes 18 people in my department just to get ready to start the service.
There are guitars to tune and brass instruments to warm up. Not to mention music sheets to make sure are in order. Drums and percussion instruments always need tweaking. The sound engineers always have to adjust for monitor levels for those who are wearing headset monitors. And Mic adjustments for those who are wearing headset Mic's. (me included) Sometime it's batteries and changing out wire cords that have to happen before a service. If we are using a video for our offering collection - it is checked and made sure all in in order. Musicians and singers may need to adjust their notes or timing according to any changes we have made since our Tuesday evening rehearsals. While this is happening, those who are in charge of the teleprompters take time to make sure their service notes are in order and all slides and service presentations are in order. And of course the Bishop's sermon is downloaded and in place. Alot takes place behind the scenes to ensure no wasted moments happen once the service starts. The Bishop values the people's time and want to make sure they receive from every portion of each service. Pre-service instructions are very important and each department uses guidelines for each area.
And then it's time to hear the uplifting Word about Jesus and everyone sets soaking up valuable words that change lives. When the Bishop speaks we move from an interesting sermon to our personal soul searching. Moving many times from laughter to tears and back again. His sermon once again engages everyone in self examination and at the end, his words about 'The 5 Most Important Things in My Life', is what we all are thinking of and considerations are given to what we will be doing this week to bring our priorities into line with the Savior, Jesus Christ's values.
Shall I find someone to help this week? I know I will when I look for the opportunity to.